Medical Body Scanning Technology

Medical Body Scans

There are many ways medical professionals use imaging to diagnose or monitor a medical condition. Different types of scans are used for different conditions, and the kind of scan your doctor orders will depend on your symptoms.


One of the most common types of medical imaging scans is a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. An MRI can detect nerve injuries, tumors, brain injuries, stroke, or even the cause of a headache. There is no radiation involved in an MRI since it uses radio waves and magnetic fields to scan the body.

An MRI can be loud, and technicians will usually offer earplugs. Side effects are minimal and may include headache or nausea. An MRI can take between 10 minutes to an hour to complete.


X-rays are another very common type of scans. X-rays are a form of ionizing radiation that can pass through most objects, including the human body. As X-rays travel through the body, different tissues absorb them in different amounts.

An X-ray can typically be completed in 15 minutes or less, and uses lower radiation levels than a CT scan.

CT / CAT Scans

Computerized tomography (CT) and computerized axial tomography (CAT) are two different names for the same type of scan. This scan combines several X-ray images taken from multiple angles to create cross-sectional “slices” of bones, blood vessels, and soft tissues. A CT/CAT scan can be performed on every area of the body and provides greater clarity than traditional X-rays.

A CT/CAT scan is painless and noninvasive; no instruments are introduced into the body, but it is usually necessary to ingest or inject a contrast dye to increase visibility. A CT/CAT scan takes about half an hour to complete and does involve some radiation risk, which accumulates over time.


An ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to take images of the inside of the body. The scan is performed by applying a water-based gel and then gliding a transducer over the area to be scanned. An Ultrasound scan can detect and diagnose conditions that affect the body’s organs and soft tissues.

Your doctor may either instruct you to fast (not eat or drink for a number of hours) before the scan or to drink a certain number of glasses of water to make sure your bladder is full. An ultrasound takes between a half an hour to an hour, and does not require anesthesia or medication.


BodyScan Brisbane does NOT undertake Medical Body Scanning procedures, these should be carried out by medical professionals.