About Body Scanning
Body Scanning is a generic term which describes a variety of different technologies designed to measure and report on how your body is functioning. There are two fundamental “types”of body scanning procedures
Medical Body Scan
Medical Body Scanning is used to investigate or diagnose illnesses or injuries and includes procedures like :
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan. …
- X-Ray
- Computerized tomography (CT) or computerized axial tomography (CAT)
- Ultrasound
Medical Scanning technology usually involves very sophisticated (often very expensive) equipment, and may be invasisve – requiring Injection, or Ingestion of radioactive or pharmaceutical products.
BodyScan Brisbane does NOT undertake Medical Body Scanning procedures, these should be carried out by medical professionals.
Fitness Body Scan
Health and Fitness Body Scanning is used by people interested in improving their health and/or fitness, by helping them to measure and monitor their body, and record how it responds (over time) to exercise and nutrition.